CHFT Weekly Issue 256
Published 16.01.2020
CHS hero Joe Wright gives a kidney... because he wanted to "help a bit!"
Chloe Ward's unique 100% rating.
YAS's Paul Nielsen thanks CHFT for his career.
Time to care. Ellen and Lindsay hail our new Nursing and Midwifery strategy.
Take home medicines in 10 mins - thanks Bertha!
New Year, New.... non-smoker. Helping you quit and save £1k a year.
Community Pulmonary rehab team is on song!
Celebrating 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife with Manjinder Kaur
Halifax Bus Station £15m new look: Have your say.
Need to Know
New year, new job? All our vacancies at CHFT
Uniform policy drop-in sessions start tomorrow