Trainee Nursing Associate Chloe Ward - pictured in white - has become the first person to be awarded 100% by her lecturer in her recent OSCE (Objectve, Structured, Clinical Examiniation) in November.
This achievement has also been hailed on our CHuFT pages. CHeck them out if you haven't already.
Clinical Educator for Trainee Nursing Associates at the University of Huddersfield, Rachel Murray, said: "Chloe did fantastically well in her OSCE and as a Clinical Nurse Educator Team for the TNAs we are very proud of her."
Sister Emma Armitage said: "It's amazing news! I was so proud when she told us her score... she works so hard and really deserves it."
Ward Manager Frances Howland said: "This is fantastic!! So proud of her."
We asked Chloe:
Was the OSCE hard work? YES! I hate speaking and acting, I would rather do a 10,000 word assignment. I prepared for it months and months in advance. I had big A3 posters in my room and had my boyfriend testing me. I even found myself saying revision notes to myself!
Did you think you'd get 100%? No. If you miss anything, you drop marks. I thought I didn't miss anything but just thought I'd pass.
What are your future plans? I would like to stay on SAU and then do a top up course to work my way up to a band 5.
Who's your hero? My mum. She's also a nurse and works here - Michelle Ward.
Massive well done, Chloe!
** Regular CHFT Weekly readers will remember Chloe's last appearance (in January 2019) when she helped to resuscitate a man who had collapsed in a gym using her basic training skills she had learned here.