Matron, Qusva (Q) Ilyas-Ferreira, wanted to give a special mention to colleagues on Ward 8B at CRH for their efforts to support the introduction of Closed Loop Medication Administration (CLMA)*.
Q said: “The team on 8B were selected to go live with the system a week earlier than the rest of the Trust due to their exemplary record in patient wristband scanning.
“The figures show that in the month to the 26th January, 8B was the top performing ward, with 93.46% of their patients scanned for medication to be administered.
“A special mention to Sister, Adele Lee who was the top scanner at CHFT, scanning 98.26% of patients.
"This has been a real team effort from everyone on the ward, led by Linda Denham and is helping to keep our patients safe."
*Ward 8B joined Ward 6 and the Surgical Assessment Unit in piloting the CLMA project - huge thanks to them all.