Last week we shared the news that outpatient letters and information sent from CHFT via DrDoctor were going to be added to the messaging section of the NHS App.
Letters sent from last Thursday, 23rd January will now show for anyone with the NHS App. Switching on notifications means patients will know there is a message or information to view. You can see some example screenshots below of the how the notifications and messages look.
Want to know more about how information in the patient portal links with the NHS App?
On Wednesday, 5th February, providers DrDoctor and Patient Knows Best will be visiting us to share information about the patient portal, its functionality, letters, text messages and how it works with the NHS App.
The agenda is at the bottom of this article. The first session, which covers the NHS App, starts at 09:30.
All sessions, with the exception of digital letters, which starts online at 11:40, will take place in meeting rooms 3 and 4 on the top floor of Acre Mills.
If you would like to come to any session but can’t get to Acre Mills, there are Teams meetings links available:
- From 09:30 - full day link - Join the meeting now.
- 11:40 Masterclass on digital letters – Join the meeting now
Would you like to join us face-to-face?
If would like to join any of the sessions in person, please let Claire Sibbald know by email: