We have almost 450 volunteers who give up their spare time to support our Trust  and Christmas is one time we can thank them for the time they give us supporting the delivery of compassionate care.


As is tradition our chairman, Andrew Haigh, hosted two  "thank-you" events at both hospitals and also thanked caterers [See Scott Jones, attached, and the HRI team in festive clothes] at both sites for the buffets


He said: " Our hospitals could not run as efficiently as they do without you. I thank you for all the work you do for us."


CHFT Weekly talked to a couple of volunteers at their recent Christmas Party/Long Service award to hear what's fab about spending time at CHFT.


Shirley Wade (pictured  with Joan Jennings) said: “I started volunteering whilst I was still working more than 11 years ago. I do it for those people who may not have family or friends to come and visit – I just put myself in their shoes really, as I think it's really important”.


Joan told us: “I started volunteering at CHFT 16 years ago. I’m currently volunteering in the Discharge Lounge which I love. I meet some great people and many have lots of fabulous tales to tell!”.


Sue Kelly, who works the reception in physio at HRI, said: " The pleases and thank yous is all I need, not just from our patients but our staff too. It is all about payback, everybody can do something even half a day in a tea bar."

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