A devoted Dr Who fan at our Trust has named a new nationwide campaign to make sure doctors get called the correct title.


Receptionist and study leave coordinator Fiona Coll and her team came up with the name "Dr Who" which has been so effective that is has been adopted worldwide.


Junior doctors used to be referred to as 'SHO's (senior house officer)  until the General Medical Council scrapped it in 2007. Now, not only should the term no longer exist, but it can actually be misleading and confusing since it doesn't outline what level of junior doctor a patient is communicating with. And potentially, this could mean implications in regards to a patients safety.


So Dr Who fan Fiona came to the rescue and her idea has now gone national! Her idea was so positively received that it has been rolled out across the whole of England, after being adopted by Health Education Yorkshire and Humber.


The correct titles for  doctors are: 

  • Foundation Doctor - FY1 or FY2
  • Speciality Trainee (Core) - CT, CMT, CST, STI-2
  • Speciality Trainee (Higher) - GPST, ST3-7


Fiona told us: "The main reason I came up with the campaign is because I've always been a massive fan of Doctor Who, and it's so easily recognised. It fits with what the Trust and Health Education are trying to achieve, and will have an immedicate impact. I'm really pleased that's it's been picked up, and it was nice for them to recognise the idea coming from my department at CHFT."


When asked how much of a Doctor Who fan she is, she told us: "I’ve watched Doctor Who since the 1960s and missed very few episodes. I've actually been inside Daleks to try ‘exterminating’ at various Doctor Who exhibitions."


"My favourite Doctor Who would definitely be David Tennant - it’s the raised eyebrows. If I had to say a least favourite it'd be Tom Baker and the scarf. I knit, but his scarf would be endless to knit


My favourite enemy would be the daleks, but they wouldn’t be much of a threat on the Yorkshire cobbles without their ability to fly!"

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