There was great news from community at January's Big Brief last Thursday. (new day new time)


Our Chief Operating Officer Helen Barker told the HRI Big Brief the successful pilot the Quest for Quality and End of Life initiatives have been made permanent in Calderdale. (for more info see the slides attached)


Our CEO Owen Williams (CRH) and Medical Director David Birkenhead (HRI)  hosted the events. Dr Birkenhead opened  his saying "a huge thank you for taking time to come along at such a busy time when many of you must feel like you are under siege".


Access to the slides/future dates:


The slides  are always made available for onward sharing after the sessions on our Big Brief page which also lists the dates and times for the rest of the year (first Thursday of each month at 1.30pm). Here is a quick summary of some of the key points:


Performance highlights:

  • We were the only Trust in West Yorkshire to achieve the 95% Emergency Care standard for the quarter - a pretty amazing achievement thanks to our colleagues working hard - together -  right across our Trust to improve the experience of patients
  • David also said it was "a remarkable performance for our organisation to put in the amount of effort it does to try and achieve our financial targets" 


The main risks at our Trust:

The top risks to our Trust generally fall into three categories:1.Our financial position, 2.Challenges around staffing; and 3. the Trust continuing to provide services across two sites


Good news:

It was also another opportunity to share the great news about our first Star Award winner ward 5's Nicola Lear (don't forget that this month's nominations close on the last day of the month), and the newly announced Bronze Investors in People award to CHFT.



With our CQC inspection looming, the focus for January is for colleagues to really start to think about the positives about what they do....AND SHOUT ABOUT THEM! There is also a slide covering what people can do now - no need to wait until 8 March.


More divisional highlights included and see the slides for more details:


  • Estates and Facilities (covered by Associate Director of Estates and Facilities David McGarrigan) - a huge thanks to clinical staff, particularly in ED as we work on the flooring at HRI 
  • F&SS (Covered by Assistant Divisional Director Rob Aitchison) - Great news from our diagnostics teams
  • Medicine (covered by Helen Barker): Clinical service realignment to improve pathways
  • Surgery and anaesthetics (covered by Assistant Divisional Director Kristina Rutherford): Supporting winter plans across the Trust, freeing up capacity on ward 8b and supporting Ward 14 through staffing


Other business included information about a Sepsis event happening on 21 January and how colleagues can help our new Website launch by checking their service information




Article Attachments