No new frocks - just donations!.


That was the legacy of Ali Mitchell in whose memory more than £8,600 has been raised for our Macmillan Unit at CRH. Ali, from Halifax, passed away aged 47 in August but had been planning with her two close chums a major fundraising event. She wanted ri called Jingle Belle Ball and also asked her chums not to buy new partygear and make donations instead for the unit where she was cared for.


Her close friends Jane Schofield, Rachel Ledgard, Angela Porter and Julie Neimantas made sure the event went at ahead at Fixby Golf Club. A raffle -inpcuding a single diamond - raised a huge amount and Ally's husband, son Josh and step daughter Taryn all supported it.


Jane said: " After Ali died we knew we had to carry on ad it was a very very emotional event. We received tremendnous support and are delighted to hand over such a fab amount to the unit where Ali

received so much treatment."


She thanked Aquaspersions Lts, Richard Porter for the diamond and Stone Dam Mills for supplying the new furniture at reduced rates.


Specialist nurse practitioner, Sarah Zeimer said: " They have done incredibly well all in their friend's memory which must have been very difficult emotionally for them all. We thank them and everyone who supported them very much indeed." 


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