The current practice of disposing of IV bags and lines via the blue bio bin system is non-compliant with waste regulations. Please take a few minutes to read the new guidelines and share with colleagues who need to know.


The information is below, supported by a decision chart (attached).


The bio-bin is ONLY for the disposal of medicines in ORIGINAL (inner) PACKAGING.


Outer boxes and patient information leaflets are (recyclable) DOMESTIC WASTE.


Please ensure any patient information is removed or struck through using a BIC/BIRO, (not gel pen or highlighter).


In order to comply with containment requirements all IV lines, empty vials, partially discharged syringes (including oral) must be disposed of into the YELLOW STREAM.


NHSSC order code for the yellow carton is FSL 1510 (pack of 10).


BLOOD BAGS – are not medicinally contaminated therefore can be disposed of via the orange bag route.


BATTERY BINS ….. are now available for portable batteries only (AA,AAA,9V, buttons, etc.)


Any questions? Please contact the Waste Management department (Estates & Facilities) on x5734, email at HRI, or Trust Offices at CRH (x2530).



This week marks the start of the Bag to Bed trial at both sites.

Wards 19 and 21 at HRI and 7A/D  8A/D at CRH are taking part. The trial is intended to improve waste segregation compliance by removing clinical and offensive waste bins from patients’ rooms. The practice reduces the potential for patients and visitors to use these bins for general and recyclable waste, de-clutters the patient bed-space and reduces additional noise and odour in patient areas.

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