Jo Womack  has returned with a stunning trophy presented by former hurdler Colin Jackson after reaching the finals of the NHS Leadership Academy Patient Champion of the Year award.


Jo was nominated for her work behind the scenes and in planning stages getting new our new Outpatients' Centre, Acre Mills, as patient-friendly as possible and ready to open in February this year. One of our patients described it as  " our own private hospital... but for everyone!"


A nurse by training, Jo headed the project and design teams and ensured patients, as well as healthcare colleagues, were central to the planning from start to finish and she still works over there from time to time keeping an eye on it all.


She said: " It was very exciting and lovely to be nominated - but I didn't do Acre Mills on my own. I share this with every single member of staff  along the way who helped me create a  patients' centre CHFT is proud of."


Jo has previously headed up the CHFT projects at Broad Street, Halifax and at the Todmorden Health Centre and has been involved in the onngoing works around Princess Royal.


Estates director Lesley Hill, nominated her for the award.


She said: "  Experience has shown, CHFT  projects are in safe hands with Jo Womack involved. I can't imagine a project without her at the centre and pulling it all together."

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