Kirklees and Calderdale Councils are planning for an inspection of the quality and effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements for vulnerable families in the coming weeks. As a health partner, our Trust will be required to participate in the inspection (and it will also help us with next March's full inspection).


In particular this will concentrate on how we assess need and provide early help; how we identify and support children in need; the quality and impact of our contribution to child protection arrangements. You will need to demonstrate how you do this within your department.


You MUST be able to answer yes to the following questions:

  • Are you up to date with your safeguarding training?
  • Do you know where the Trust safeguarding intranet page is, and have you accessed it lately? If not - you'll find it on the intranet: home > divisions > safeguarding index
  • Do you know how to raise a concern about a child?
  • Do you know how to escalate your concerns about a child?
  • Have you taken the child/ young person’s wishes into account?
  • Have you accessed mandatory Safeguarding supervision?
  • Are you aware of the difference between early intervention and child protection?
  • Are you aware of any recent local serious case reviews and what the learning for the Trust has been as a result of these?
  • Do you know what is required of you within your role to safeguard children?
  • Do you know how your role keeps children safe?
  • Are you aware of who to contact for advice and support to help you keep children safe who use our services?

Top tip: These are also questions we'll be asked at our full inspection next March, so we should view this as a good opportunity to make sure we understand our responsibilities now and in future. 


Let’s work together to deliver safe care for our patients always. 


Please call the following numbers if you have any questions re the above:


Safeguarding Contact Number: 01422 224570

Looked after Children Number: 01484 728930


And just a quick reminder that Director of Nursing Julie Dawes will be holding another preparing for inspection session on Tuesday 8 December at 5pm in the Board Room HRI.

You'll find this and more CQC information on our CQC pages.