" I would rather know how you feel and have it straight than not have it all. We really do listen to what is said to try and get to a place where we can respond."...said Chief Executive Owen Williams at November's Big Brief. 


With a close date of Monday 30 November colleagues are reminded to take five minutes to give their views about working for CHFT. And managers are asked to also prompt colleagues at team meetings/handovers and training events.


As a result of colleagues' views last year we’ve introduced a number of new initiatives aimed at making working at CHFT a better experience, including:


  • A refreshed approach to mandatory training, which includes Health & Safety and Equality & Diversity training
  • Improved internal communications such as our bulletin CHFT Weekly, our new monthly Director-led Big Brief sessions – giving colleagues a chance to meet Directors and hear what the key issues are for our Trust – and Directors taking part in “Go See” Fridays – to hear your views about your workplace
  • We’ve also continued our focus on appraisals – lots of support is available on the Trust’s intranet - http://nww.cht.nhs.uk/home/appraisal/