The pool room on the labour ward has been refurbished and midwives were invited along to hear more about the difference it could make to women during birth.


Consultant Midwife Sue Townend told CHFT how the refurbishment is going to make a difference: "We really want to support women with complex needs in having a natural or water birth. Having these fantastic refurbished facilities means that hopefully we'll be able to reduce the amount of women needing interventions such as forcep delivery or a caesarean section.


"Inevitably some women need to come to the labour ward and we hope that having these new facilities means they have the best opportunity of having a similar experience to the Birth Centre.


"Today is also about celebrating the work that our midwives do on the labour ward - we wanted to recognise that by combining the relaunch with a coffee morning".


Midwives Ingebord Verheijke, Sarah Tuke and Ann-Marie Lee (click attachment above for photo) came along to hear more. They said they wanted to have more confidence in being able to offer their support during complex births, knowing that being in the pool can reduce pain, and that the pool and monitor should help them support ladies who may need extra support.

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