Be a flu fighter and find out more about EPR at the same time - our flu jab campaign is gathering pace.



This week's interesting fact: You can't get flu from the vaccination as it doesn't carry the live virus...


This year there's a new twist as our EPR team is joining the flu drop-ins to give colleagues the chance to find out more about EPR.


They will be joining occupational health colleagues across both Trusts, talking to staff about how EPR will help to transform their work when it is introduced next year.


EPR communications manager, Colin Beesting, said: "Having a flu jab keeps everyone safe and EPR also plays a crucial role in patient safety providing clinicians with a comprehensive care record, supporting consistent, good-practice care and flagging concerns based on the information provided."


Our EPR communications officer, Nicola Jones, initially went to promote EPR at the sessions but said: "I decided to have the jab while I was there after seeing how quick and easy it was".


So take the opportunity to pick up information and speak to the EPR team at a Flu Fighter vaccination sessions. Or see more on the funky EPR website.


Many other colleagues have already taken the plunge this year, including Deputy Director of Workforce and Organisational Development, Jason Eddleston (see attachment), who said: "I believe it’s important that I have the flu vaccine to protect myself as well as those front-line colleagues I come into contact with so that we can maintain safe staffing throughout the winter months and continue to deliver care to our patients."


Also pictured in an attachment above is Intermediate Care and Community Matron Jo Middleton, who was the first to be vaccinated at drop-in sessions last week at St John's Health Centre. Ann King (AKA Flu Queen) is aiming for 100 per cent uptake.


Drop-in sessions week commencing 26 October (also on the intranet):





Tues 27 Oct

06.30 to 07.30

Supervisor’s Office, Cleaning Services, Basement Corridor

Tues 27 Oct

13.00 to 14.00

Outside staff restaurant

Tues 27 Oct

13.00 to 16.00

Occupational Health Corridor 3 HRI

Tues 27 Oct

16.30 to 17.30

Supervisor’s Office, Cleaning Services, Basement Corridor

Thurs 29 Oct

12.00 to 13.30

Outside staff restaurant

Fri 30 Oct

7.30 to 11.00

OH dept corridor 3 HRi





Tues 27 Oct

13.00 to 16.00

OH dept CRH

Thur 29 Oct

14.00 to 16.00

FSS offices

Fri 30 OCt

7.30 to 11.00

OH dept CRH

Article Attachments