Helen Harris, one of our Huddersfield Nursing Team Leaders, completed the 5km Kirkwood Trail Run on the 6th of September after taking running up in March with help from the ‘Couch to 5K’ app.

Coming 11th of 49 runners, Helen completed the race in an impressive time of 31 minutes and 49 seconds. Luckily the weather stayed nice and sunny for Helen’s first race, and made the event a great day.

The "Couch to 5K" app encourages users to gradually build up their running stamina by starting with walking, and Helen told us that if she can do it then she thinks anyone could.

With the help of this app, Helen has gone from never running as a form of exercise, to competing in races for enjoyment. She told us “If the hip holds up, I might think about the 10km next year”.

*** This weekend is the Great North Run, so good luck to Vicky Woodward and our team running for Multiple Sclerosis Society.