A training programme at CRH and HRI for nurses to help them validate and record an expected death has won international recognition.

We have been shortlisted in the multi-disciplinary section of the International Journal of Palliative Nursing awards next month. (Sept)

More than 100 CHFT and Locala nurses have already undergone the training held in the simulation suite at HRI  and clinical skills lab  at CRH.

Key personnel involved in the project include: CHFT: Michelle Lake,  Claire Leyland & Julie Kaye, Locala: Helen Green and Overgate: Tracey Wilcocks.

Simulation Suite coordinator, Caren Reid, said: “ This is a great achievement and has obviously impressed the shortlisters. It is great that our team working has attracted this recognition in this way.!”

The training includes classroom based theory,  practical skills using simulation and competency based assessment.