The Trust achieved all its key targets in June, including A&E and cancer referrals - which was an excellent all-round performance.

This was among the headline news presented at the second of the Trust's Big Brief sessions yesterday.

Other news included:

*  the Trust has 700 acute admissions a week (100 a day) so getting the discharge process right is crucial

* we are ahead of our cost improvement savings for this year and are already looking at 2016/17

*  the third theatre in our total revamp is now complete at HRI with the fourth now underway.

Attendees said the session was better for being face-to-face and felt more personal. As well as sharing divisional updates and successes, questions were also raised about the Care Closer to Home process and mandatory training. Jason Eddleston and Lesley Hill (see first attachment above) - aided by Saj Azeb, Rob Aithcison and Kristina Rutherford - led the sessions at CRH and HRI.

You'll find the slides from the day in the second attachment above. And if you missed it, why not come along next month to catch-up with what's happening?

** Wednesday 2 September, 8-9 am in the lecture theatres at both sites.

Just pop along...



Article Attachments