2020 sees the launch of a new CHFT Weekly video campaign to share as widely as possible all the kind words we get sent in.

As well as our PALS colleagues logging them and sharing with the local teams involved -  we want all of CHFT to share in them - and, maybe even pick-up some learning from them.

And what better way than to let CHFT colleagues read them out loud?

Every short video shows the reason why our compassionate care meant so much to the sender.

They're really moving and highlight just how important it is that we look after the patient AND the family and carers as far as possible.

So, we're kicking off with feedback about the care a patient and family received on the Stroke Unit.

Healthcare Assistant,  Robina Turkaly (seated second from left) from the ward read out the letter to her colleagues. Watch her reading the letter here.

**If you've had a lovely  letter sent directly to your team  from a patient or their family then contact our Patient Advice Team or contact Comms on HRI x5252, x5253 or x5256. We'd love to share it around.