Next week sees the start of our pioneering ‘First Steps Cancer Programme’  - a new information and support session for patients soon after their cancer diagnosis. The aim of the programme is to help patients to support themselves by giving information on diet, keeping active, managing emotions/fatigue, and knowing about services which can support them.

We are the first Trust in the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance to offer the programme – and all eyes are on us.

The course has been developed in partnership with our Macmillan Information Service, Trust’s Macmillan Prehabilitation Project Manager, our Lead Cancer Nurse and Maggies, Edinburgh. ‘First Steps’ meets national cancer guidance about offering personalised health and wellbeing support at the earliest part of a ‘cancer journey’ rather than leaving this until a patient is post-treatment, as is usual at the moment.

Our Macmillan Information Manager, Helen Jones, said: “This is an exciting development, with the patient voice very much leading the way. We hold Health & Wellbeing Events post-treatment and the feedback from them was coming back very clearly that these are useful education and support events, but it would be much better to have them when our patients are first diagnosed, rather than only at the end of their treatment.”

Patients who have been diagnosed in the last three or four months – and their family members if they wish - have been invited to attend the sessions and the first is on Monday at HRI Boardroom.

If you wish to attend, call Heather Milner on 01484 343490 as there are still places available.

Helen will be joined by Lead Cancer Nurse, Christopher Button and Nicky Hill, Cancer Prehabilitation Project Manager to deliver the First Steps course.

Helen said: “It is a very emotional time for a patient and their families and often the focus is entirely medical until they have been through all their treatments. Patients are hit with so many different emotions and we are telling them it is alright to feel like this - this is normal and you can be supported…..right from the start.”

** The events will be held once a month starting Monday in the Boardroom at HRI 9.30 am – noon. Then Friday November 1st and Friday December 6th. (See attached poster)

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