Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers (which supports hospital trusts) has visited our Trust and praised the way we are "busting a gut" to face up to the current financial situation.

He was impressed with our plans to restructure for the sake of patient safety and said our work collaborating with other trusts was among the most interesting in the country.

He visited both sites, toured Acre Mills and chatted with our CEO Owen Williams, our head of A&E Mark Davies, assistant divisional director of medicine, Saj Azeb and Debbie Graham, Calderdale CCG's head of service improvement about our future plans.

Following his visit Mr Hopson tweeted the following series:

** Very impressive visit to @CHFTNHS to visit Huddersfield RI and Calderdale Royal and Owen Williams, Trust CEO. Impressions follow.

** @CHFTNHS First ever trust visit where I've met both local GP and CCG - speaks volumes about importance of & commitment to partnership.

** @CHFTNHS V impressive work in Huddersfield between local GP federations and acute/community FT - improving outcomes for patients in....

** Very struck by different language and emphasis on partnership from Owen Williams, ex Local Authority CEO, now CEO of @CHFTNHS.

** @CHFTNHS Loved Acre Mills. Turning wire factory into state of art outpatient facility including rehousing bats!

** @CHFTNHS V exciting plans for Vanguard in Todmorden...great to hear them from CCG who spoke v highly of @CHFTNHS and local GP fedn.

** @CHFTNHS Interesting plans for population segmentation and whole population health management emerging in Calderdale Vanguard.

** @CHFTNHS You should be, it's amazing! Loved rehoused bat boxes, the views, the space, the light and the great patient experience

** @CHFTNHS Really liked emphasis on leadership training, values and behaviours.

Follow us on twitter on @CHFTNHS