A family has donated a cheque to the Community Specialist Palliative Care team for the supporting them through a very difficult time.

Janet Shorrocks, said the cheque was in appreciation of the "help and kindness"  care they gave her husband in his final hours.

She said the palliative care team had supported the family for David to be at home and surrounded by those he loved.

She told the team his funeral had been "truly beautiful" with the church packed with family and friends and peoples generosity was overwhelming.

Our  Community Specialist Palliative Care Team is a team of four clinical nurse specialists and a consultant in Palliative medicine and are based at Overgate Hospice.

They care for patients who have active, progressive potentially life limiting disease and their care is based on family need. 

Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist, Helen Farrell, said:  "We help our patients and their families to identify their priorities of their care discussing their wishes and preferences for their future, helping them to develop plans to support them in their preferred place of care if possible.

"We work together with our primary health care, secondary care, hospice and oncology colleagues to address difficult complex symptoms that our patients may experience in an attempt 

"Our support allowed Mr Shorrocks to be relieved of difficult, distressing symptoms provide support and care to his family and to be able to die in his own home with his family around him.  We really do work together to get results and put our patients first."