We've been flying the flag over HRI showing our Trust's support for Pride. Here Nikki Hosty our Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion manager explains more and how you can get involved.

"You may have seen our LGBTQ+ flag flying at HRI* over the past week and on Thursday 30th / Friday 31st May we hosted our HRI Pride stall where we met some wonderful people and had some great, quality conversations with patients and colleagues.

"The purpose of the stall was to promote our support for the LGBTQ+ community and Huddersfield Pride which was being held the first weekend in June at the Lawrence Batley Theatre.

"The purpose of Pride worldwide is to take a positive stance against discrimination and violence towards the LGBT community and promote self affirmation, dignity and equal rights. Celebrating sexual diversity and gender variance. Can you believe that gay relationships are still criminalised in 70 countries. When we celebrate Pride we celebrate our identity and our authentic self!

"We will continue celebrating Pride by flying the flag at CRH in support of Happy Valley Pride (July) and Halifax Pride (August) and also hosting our Pride stall in reception. CHFT will also have a presence at these Prides. If you would like to host the stall at Pride for an hour, I'd love to hear from you."

The main image is our fab colleague engagement advisors Anya Macbeth and Charlotte Collinson with their lanyards. Later this year we hope to have more lanyards and pin badges for LGBTQ+ colleagues and their allies as it's Inclusion Week in September.

*Pictured bottom right is Head of Legal Services, Complaints & Patient Advice, Gerard Curran, Chief Nurse, Jackie Murphy and Consultant Sal Uka - they posted the snap on Twitter of the flag flying at HRI.

Sadly there's no flagpole at CRH so we can't raise a flag there - but we do have stickers in the main entrances showing our support.

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