Thomas Owen Machon was born on the LDRP at Calderdale 18th April weighing 7lb 3oz. and grandma Janette and Auntie Joanne were the first to visit.
Jo wrote to the Comms team: "Matrons Janette Cockroft (Grandma) and Joanne Machon (Auntie) were on hand and so excited, after Thomas had kept us all waiting for several days."
Janette said: "The midwives were fantastic and really put my daughter, Stacey at ease despite being very busy on the labour ward.
"Sophie the Midwife who delivered Thomas showed great care, compassion and provided lots of reassurance to the many questions she was asked along the way, and really helped it to be a wonderful occasion for us all.
"Jo and myself were the first visitors to see Thomas, Stacey and husband James after the birth and could not wait to get some photos taken.
"Fancy having two Matrons in one family!"