Our emergency department's process for reviewing yellow and green incidents has been so successful, Medicine have adopted it across the whole division*. 

It is difficult to track the status of an incident as colleagues sometimes forget to update the status. So a quick recap:

  • All green and yellow incidents will initially be in the holding area awaiting review.
  • When first looked at, the incident should be moved to the "being reviewed" stage. The appointed investigator should then review the incident within three working days.
  • If no further information is needed, the Datix should be completed and sent for final approval.
  • If further information is needed i.e. statements from staff / review of EPR records the incident should be moved to "actions/investigation ongoing".

Investigating and completing a green or yellow incident and sent for final approval /closure should be carried out within 20 working days. Read more in the Incident Reporting, Management and Investigation Group policy (or search incident in the Policies & Documents Library).

In summary:

The issue: There are a number of green and yellow incidents in the holding area awaiting review on Datix.

The learning: Green and yellow incidents should be reviewed within three working days, assigned to the correct area, and investigated promptly. The status of the incident should also be updated during any part of the review process.

*the Medicine flowchart is below. Feel free to use it in your area if it helps colleagues allocate and review yellow and green incidents.

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