Paul Nolan is an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor and part of our highly rated Domestice Violence Support team. He's the latest in our Hello My Name Is... series where he reveals he loves Switzerland,  studies wine, sings,  supports Town, and loves his job helping people through very difficult times.

Hello my name is...Paul Nolan,  and I was born and bred in Huddersfield. I come from a big loving family, who all like myself are lifetime supporters of Huddersfield Town Football Club. Alongside my day time profession, I am a musician and perform live as a singer/guitarist. I've studied and lived locally also spending several years working and performing in Dubai along the way.

What is your position?

I am an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor, supporting victims of domestic abuse to reduce risk of harm, implement safety plans, and navigate through the criminal justice system.

Summarise your career background

A difficult one to summarise! I worked in business administration as an apprentice fresh out of college, I then moved to Dubai where I worked as a Sales Consultant in Real Estate. Moving home I became an Engineer for BSkyB before volunteering at a local Primary School and being offered a role as a Special Educational Needs Support Assistant; working one-to-one with children experiencing behavioral and physical learning difficulties. Further to this position I worked as a Family Support Worker in Calderdale dealing with domestic abuse on a weekly basis and thus motivated me to apply for the role as an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor with Pennine Domestic Violence Group in Kirklees. That's as brief as I can make it!

What is the highlight of your career so far?

I have had many rewarding experiences in each of the roles I have held, all of which have been helping others to achieve a degree of happiness. 

Sum up your role in three words

Eye-opening. Varied. Rewarding.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Retired! I'm still asking myself this question to this day and probably always will be!

Who is your hero/heroine and why?

That's a tricky question but if there's one person I have huge admiration for then that is David Attenborough, for his love of animals and the planet, and bringing both in to our homes in his incredible documentaries. 

When you are not at work, how do you relax? 

I love spending weekends away with my wife, we're never at home! Our favorite pastime is dining out. I also enjoy going to gigs and playing my guitar and piano. I would say I enjoy exercise but I only enjoy the feeling after!

What is your favourite place?

This would have to be Switzerland. Not only for the cheese and wine, but for the people and beautiful scenery. I find it tough to book a holiday anywhere else!  

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I study wine!


I don't have any social media accounts personally, but after 15 years of persuasion, I now have a Facebook Page for my music, 'Paul Nolan Music'.

Paul works at the Trust three days a week in ED  and was recently in CHFT Weekly alongside some of the team after the Trust gained the West Yorkshire Domestic Violence and Abuse Quality Mark Level Two. Read the story again here.


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