This week all of our teams have really been working together to get results to ensure patients who need to be seen by specialist in a timely way do, so that a definitive diagnosis can be made, which leads to the specified treatment that the patient requires.

The Trust is working towards a joint ambulatory unit for surgery and medicine, and this will be another fabulous example of clinicians working together to put the patient first.

We've also had feedback from the sisters on the acute floor that this extra focus has streamlined the flow for patients whilst ensuring patient safety is maintained. The handover process is more efficient, releasing time to care for our patients.

Other areas that the team have been supporting are :

  • Piloting extra portering out of hours

  • Help for junior doctors on a weekend to help prescribing of medication to take home

  • Ensuring that there is always an orthopaedic bed so that patients with fractures e.g. fractured neck of femur  can go to the correct area immediately so that the specialist nurses and doctors can plan the care needed.
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