Tomorrow is our second Schwartz Round, and our lead for Skills and Simulation, Angela Hope will tell how a trip to the Blackpool Illuminations not only benefitted long-term rehab patients, but the staff who went with them in their own time also gained a huge amount of job satisfaction.

Angela will be joined by Consultant Andy Lockey,  Kev Pollard, our man-of-many-uniforms and Celebrating Success winner and Patient Flow Facilitator, Mary Nolan. All four will reflect on an experience that really made a difference.

Schwartz Rounds get hospital staff from all backgrounds together to talk about the non-clinical side of caring. They were developed following the death of Ken Schwartz (see image below) in 1995, a seemingly healthy non-smoker who died of lung cancer. Mr Schwartz set up the not-for-profit Schwartz Centre for Compassionate Healthcare prior to his death, to promote kindness and compassion in healthcare workers and the Centre continues to research and fund his vision to this day.

He believed that if healthcare providers do not receive support when they may have psychological and emotional issues from their day-to-day working then compassionate, high-quality, patient-focussed care may suffer.

Who can go?

Anyone can attend the hour-long session

Where is it and when?

Friday 22 March in the Learning Centre at CRH.

Lunch is provided from noon and the session starts promptly at 12.30pm