Keeley Rollins - our clinical midwifery manager based at Broad Street, Halifax - waved her seven-year-old daughter off to Greetland Academy on World Book Day with pride in her heart.

Little Isabella Rollins wore a home-made midwife's uniform to reflect the books by Jennifer Worth on which which the hit Sunday night TV series Call the Midwife is based.

Isabella's uniform even came complete with her own ID badge for the day, nurses' watch and iconic red cardigan - straight from the 50s.

Her mum Keeley has been with our Trust for five years and says the programme has done wonders promoting the role of community midwives in the present day and also home births.

She said: " It's been amazing for community midwifery. It also shows how normal home births once were and we've moved away from that. More and more people are recognising the benefits of a home birth and of knowing your midwife throughout."









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