We're about to start the elections for our Governors and have vacancies for staff representatives from nursing/midwifery colleagues and AHP colleagues. If you're interested then watch this space. In the meantime hear from Linzi Smith who became a Governor last summer.

Linzi says: 

"I have lived in Lindley most of my life. I am married with one daughter and have worked in the Child Health department for nearly ten years. 

"Being a Staff Governor is an interesting part of being involved with a range of people who are passionate about working for an organisation which is constantly facing challenges to strive to provide the best possible care for its staff and patients.

"It provides you with a voice for being a representative of staff and gain an open and honest viewpoint of the Trust.  The one quality that makes a good Governor is commitment as it is a time consuming role.  Monitoring achievements due to the impact from departments working as incredible teams to fulfil their potential is the best part about being a Governor as there is so much going on on a day to day basis which you would not normally hear about.

"The training provided is invaluable for the role and support is always given to enable you to be involved in many different opportunities and learn in depth so many different aspects of the day to day running of the organisation.

"I applied for the role to give me the chance to put back something into a service which me and my family have used many times over the years and I really enjoy working with many different people who have expertise in a wide range of areas."

** If you're interested Vanessa Henderson in the Membership Office wants to hear from you and can assist your application. Call her on 01484 347342.