EPR (Electronic Patient Records) went live across the whole Maternity unit on Tuesday 16th June. There will be a period of transition from paper to electronic records as those women with a new pregnancy move through the antenatal period to intrapartum and then postnatal.


Maternity Electronic Patient record is a system that maps the entire pathway from the initial booking of the pregnancy through to the completion of postnatal care. Health professionals can access information during appointments in either the hospital or community setting.


As this is a new way of working, and an organisational change, the workforce are developing their knowledge and familiarity with the system. It's already been recognised how using the system has reduced the amount of duplication of paperwork. Health professionals are acknowledging once they have become acquainted with the system, it will save time, and therefore allowing more time to deliver care.


Project Manager E Rostering, Jo Machon said: “It is another step forward into modernising the way we work within the Trust. The system allows us to streamline record keeping, promote safety and release time which will contribute to the delivery of outstanding compassionate care.”