Our Quest matrons who provide vital support to care homes in Calderdale  have featured on the prestigious BBC Radio4 programme.

Katie Berry and Marie Sullivan were interviewed about how our Quest matrons team work closely to try to ensure residents get the care they need in their nursing homes and how we help the homes to try to avoid sending their residents into hospital. 

They were interviewed as part of a feature on Integrated Care across West Yorkshire.

The manager of Calderdale Retreat in Greetland said the Quest matrons' had a lovely, caring manner with her residents which was really  appreciated. Before the Quest Matrons were in post the homes had to call a GP or refer into a hospital. A hospital admission for some residents can be unsettling for residents who have dementia adding extra worry and upset for them and their families.

The Quest matrons are available to contact 24/7 and can prescribe medicines and a "second opinion" in support of the care home staff and refer into hospital if needed.

Katie and Marie are pictured outside the home and  also in the "beach room" at the home which provides colour, murals and sensory stimulation for the eldely patients.

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