If you've been out and about over Christmas and the New Year we hope you haven't met Nicola Ingle.... as it could mean  you're in trouble.

For Nicola started the New Year with a  new, dream role - with the Holme Valley Mountain Rescue Team.

Nicola, early intervention midwife for Huddersfield has undergone a year of hard and intensive training, and a gruelling 20 hour assessment in horrid weather conditions to be accepted into the team. She got off to a sticky start and needed to be rescued herself on her first assessment day but she came good in the end and is now the proud owner of a Red Jacket.

She said: "This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but needed to wait for my daughters to be older and more independent."

She added: " I love a challenge, and amongst others, have run a marathon, a 30 mile ultra, completed a triathalon, becoming a running coach, tap dance, and next year's challenge is to learn a new language."

We asked Nicola a few questions about Mountain Rescue.

Why Mountain Rescue? Mountain rescue is a great organisation which is local , fantastic reputation and I really wanted a red jacket

What’s been the biggest challenge? Becoming proficient at navigating with map and compass in the dark on a moor

Are you “outdoorsy” person? Very outdoorsy . I hate being inside

Have you ever been rescued? Never been rescued except on initial assessment day when I got stuck in a bog !!!

Holme Moss or the Himalayas? Holme Moss ...can't beat the local area 

Top tip for warming up on  cold day? Warming up on a cold day ....brisk walk, run or a nice hot toddy .

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