As many peoples' thoughts turn to ditching those pounds that may have crept on due to one too many mince pies over Christmas, why not check out our CHFT Guide to Health and Wellbeing handbook? 

So much time goes into looking after others, its important colleagues make time for themsleves too. And this week our Fitness Fusion classes start again at HRI - ideal if you want to pop straight to an excercise class after work.

The Fitness Fusion classes are in the gymnasium in the physiotherapy department.

Fridays 5.15pm to 6.15pm

Cost £4 per session

If you can't get there, there are a couple more opportunities in the Huddersfield area - please see the attached.

And here's a link to our Wellbeing handbook - hard copies should be on wards, but you could request a copy via Occupational Health at CRH on x2039.



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