Dr Alex Hashimi came along to support Melissa in the judging in place of her nominator, Victoria Rafferty, who was unable to attend.

He said: “Melissa stands out in so many different ways.   She was immediately thrust onto the MAU frontline, which has extremely ill people, and she took to the clinician role way beyond her years. Her communication skills are outstanding and I would assess her almost at a senior level in such a short time”.

He said she didn’t shy away from difficult encounters.

“She’s there for patients and families in situations involving palliative or end-of-life care, and even resus.  Often junior doctors and SHOs shy away from having these conversations. Families will often bypass me and come back and talk directly to Melissa as she has been so informative for them!”

She’s also loves to learn and carry out practical procedures that others may be reluctant to do. Alex, added: “I might ask someone to carry out a lumbar puncture for example and Melissa will instantly volunteer, such is her thirst for learning.”

The PA role is new for our Trust. We’ve invested fully into it and there has been uncertainty on how they’ll take to it the role. It can be daunting to have to nurture someone, but with Melissa I feel so chuffed we did. She’s taken to the role with a passion!

It’s hard to list just three words that describe Melissa but they would have to include: passionate, caring and enthusiastic.

The judges’ comments included: She has shown real progress in such a short time and is a vital part of the future.


Finalists: Raluca Gheorghe – Diabetes Support Nurse; Francesca Senior – staff nurse.