Our Volunteers Duo have transformed the service… and that’s not us saying it.

Susan Clark – a volunteer for five years – attended judging day in support and hailed their work as totally transformational.

She said: “Before them, it sometimes felt like we weren’t really looked after or recognised as part of the team.

“They saw we sometimes got cold, and the next thing some fleeces emerged for us. We feel part of a team, cared for and communicated with. Everything feels so much more positive.

“They are so upbeat and we now feel valued.”

Charlotte said at the judging: “We have re-engaged with our volunteers. They give their time for free and often for very personal reasons. They are “on the floor” speaking to our patients and bring the Trust important feedback as our patients tell them things they might not tell the teams on the wards.”

The 300 volunteers each spend  many hours a week with us and, if the time was converted into money spent, it runs into £100ks.

Bakers Hadfields supplied free cup cakes for them all for NHS 70 Day in July in recognition of all they do – even though we hadn’t asked for them, they gave them to us for free.

Our deputy Director of Workforce, Jason Eddleston, said in judging: “Charlotte and Anya are the most unselfish people I could meet. Their families all get involved in activities like the Christmas party.

“They’ve stepped into the unknown, and haven’t been constrained by some of the barriers that have been put in their way. They’ve asked questions others might not ask and their skills complement each other – the team is seamless! Everything is done to a really high standard”

The judges’ comments included: “ Their enthusiasm and passion for CHFT is infectious.”


Finalists: Kam Khehra for her Discharge Work; Ani Ajitkumar for Diabetes Team; Debbie Martin-Lawson on Neo-Natal Unit