Our Emergency Department team may soon need a music agent. They've come up with a fun way of sharing awareness around the very important topic of Sepsis, giving the CHFT treatment to LMFAO's song You're Sexy and I Know It.

The song and dance routine was after they had finished their night shift and it was a real team effort getting behind the campaign to detect and protect patients from sepsis.

So far, it's had an amazing 4000 views on YouTube.

Consultant Huw Masson told us that the idea had originally come when the team were at an Improvement Conference.

He said: "I was with ED sister Liz McCarthy and Charge Nurse Darren Blake and we were looking at different ways to raise awareness.

"One lecture, from Professor Mohammed Mohammed from Bradford Uni, introduced us to “funtheory”. The idea is simple - people work better if it's fun.

"So we thought how can we make the sepsis message fun? Liz came up with this idea and we went with it. We rewrote the song then and there. Darren did the vocals and most of the acting.

"The only difficulty we had was finding the time to film it – so it happened after night shifts – and we asked for all willing volunteers to get involved.

"This has been a real team effort - and they've been just brill".

Watch the film here.