Our Festive Freya Lloyd  -  Santa's little elfer (top left) - has been out and about across the Trust and bagged some cracker photos in her sack.

This photo is taken in old Acre Mills of our  Workforce and Organisational Team and they were so pleased they burst into song and shared the moment with a singing Xmas tree. Click here to see and hear their efforts.

We'll be featuring  a different  CHFT team every day throughout the festive month up to the 25th.

There's been some cracking jumpers, hats and there's a tinsel galore coming to a screensaver near you!

We'll be launching this Saturday on  Dec1 - and you'll be tweeted and facebooked every day. The teams featuring on the two weekend  date will also appear on the following Mondays to give everyone the opprtunity to see them.

So thanks to all colleagues showcasing our joyous teams from all areas of the Trust.

It's beginning to look a lot like....


It's got to be almost time to trim up surely? We know our colleagues go all out during the festive season, so as well as our ongoing Decorate a Xmas Cake competition, this week we're launching a Xmas tree themed competition.

Send us a snap of your tree in your area for the chance to win a prize. It only has to be tree themed, so for those creative colleagues amongst us, you can set to work on any tree, virtual or otherwise. Please send your photo to CHFT@cht.nhs.uk before close of play on Friday 14th December to be included.

And don't forget our Decorate a Xmas Cake comp - you don't even have to make it, so Paul Hollywood can stand-down. Send your photos by Friday 7th December (to the email above).

We have lots of things planned for December, both to celebrate Xmas, and also to support those who may find it a difficult time. 

Over the coming month expect carols, bands and our Christmas sweet round (replacing the mince pie round), in addition to our competitions. 

Food collections for the homeless

Estates colleague John Ennis will be supporting Andy Jackson from Interserve again this year with their ever popular Christmas Food and Contributions Collection for the homeless at HRI. Collections will take place in the Main Entrance at HRI on Monday 10th to Wednesday 12th from 9:30 am until 15:30 pm.

Christmas food tasting

As ever - our HRI catering team will be in the main reception next week so that colleagues can have an advance taste of the Christmas menus our patients have. They'll be there on Thursday 6th December starting at 12.30. Get there early as there is only so much food to go around.

Upcoming Chaplaincy events

  • Wednesday 5th December: 1pm – The Chapel, CRH. Taizé Prayer for Advent. A quiet, meditative space to reflect with songs from the Taizé community, France accompanied by St Jude’s Recorder Players. All welcome to attend.
  • Friday, 7th December Lights of Love, 7.30 p.m.at St Thomas’ Church, Manchester Road (opposite Wickes) – part of SANDS national act of remembering
  • Friday 7th December: 10.30 -12.30pm. The Chapel, CRH. Marigold Café – bereavement support for those who have lost a loved one.
  • Sunday 9th December: 3pm. The Chapel, CRH. ‘Brief Lives’ a special service of remembrance for parents who have lost a baby.

Plus every Wednesday following during Advent: 12th and 19th Dec  – 1pm Chapel, CRH. ‘A Quiet Space’ music and a quiet space for reflection in the busy run up to Christmas for everyone.


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