The CHFT Library based in CRH is open to all Trust staff from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.30pm.

The quiet friendly environment is a great place to work, study and read. The Library is there to provide CHFT staff access to evidence-based health information resources and skills training. At the moment, there are over 700 titles available electronically via Oxford Medicine Online. This is a trial running until the end of June, all you need is a OpenAthens account. To find out more, please contact the Library on CRH x4191 or email Librarian Maria Simoes said: “In addition to the print materials we hold and the electronic resources already available via NHS Evidence, we are very keen to introduce our own access to ebooks at the Trust and therefore increase the flexibility of access to healthcare information resources. The Library welcomes any feedback on Oxford Medicine Online specifically, or ebooks in general.”