Following last year's national NHS Staff Survey, a common theme for all divisions was around appraisals, so we’re looking at the quality of the process, documentation and support.

Each division is working on action plans to improve things for colleagues working here - so having a say really can help change come about. So with just a month left to take part, why not share your experiences of working at CHFT?

This year there are no paper surveys to complete (which is good for the environment and our post room teams!). Picker, who run our survey are sending reminders to colleagues who haven't yet completed it, so take the opportunity to complete it if you get a reminder mail from them. You could always send the link to your home email account if you'd like to do it from home.

As ever, it's completely anonymous, and comments you write will not identify you (as long as you don't include any obvious information).

Since the last survey there is plenty happening within divisions based on the results - and many of the plans have been drawn up by speaking to colleagues. You can read more here.

The survey closes at the end of November.