Colleagues said farewell to Liz McCormick at the end of a nursing career spanning more than 40 years.

She started as a 16-year-old cadet and hit the Courier headlines (on a quiet news day) when there was a shortage of collar studs for their uniform starched collars.

In her early career she worked nights when her children were little then moved into orthpaedic care and, for the past four years, on ENT ward 8d at CRH.

She's looking forward to more time with her 12-year-old grandson Rhys and also will be back part-time.

She said: " I have to say, seeing people come in poorly and go home well means everything to me. Just being able to make that difference."

She said the spirit on the team was exceptional and they work together so well. "Most of the team have been together for a while and  this creates  such a good bond. We know each so well."

Colleagues presented her with flowers and her leaving gifts on Friday.


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