Sal Uka and Julie Mellor played table football to demonstrate team work and "not scoring own goals" as their theme at our two-day Annual Planning Day.

Around 120 colleagues attended the event at Acre Mills top floor on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, which was aimed at working together to draw up our priorities for  next year 2019/20.

Our Chief Operating Officer, Helen Barker, said: " Wow, what a fabulous two days and a real example of what results can be achieved by working together. The energy, passion and creativity of colleagues was amazing and we have some fantastic plans to improve services across the organisation which will be better for patients and staff. A huge thank you and well done to everyone who contributed."

Paediatrics were one of 20 different areas across the Trust outlining their ideas for how CHFT could provide better compassionate care for our patients and their families and make better use of our resources. Each area came up with three ideas to improve the way they deliver their care for our patients and then attendees were asked to vote by placing stickers against them.

The 15 with the most votes then each made a short film promoting their ideas and the passion shone through.

The final 15 were - in summary:

1 Julie Mellor - co-location of paediatric assessment in ED

2 Anne-Marie Henshaw - risk, quality and safety and how colleagues can be the best they can be by learning from when things don't always go to plan or indeed when they go really well

3 Lisa Williams - transforming our outpatient processes

4 Julie James - providing a joined up MSK service

5 Rob Birkett and Rachel Rae - re-learning EPR

6 Kimberley Scholes - automated appointments

7 Louise Croxall and Lucy Jesson - front door streaming in ED

8 Liz Morley - staff rotation in hospital and community setting to provide joined-up care for our patients

9 Paul Casson and Adam Matthews - Having more regular discussions about workforce at divisional level

10 Diane Marshall and Leigh-Anne Hardwick - finding leaders for the future and getting them into posts to inspire from within the talent at CHFT

11 Sarah Clenton and Shrilay Sinha - ensuring patients' scans in timely fashion rather than keeping them in hospital until have had a scan

12 Lindsay Rudge and Gwen Clyde-Evans - making safeguarding part of care from the start of patient care and not as part of discharge

13 Rob Moisey and Jonathan Cowley - creating a joint medical and surgical ambulatory unit

14 Gemma Berriman and Rob Moisey - creating a single acute care unit for all ages and lengths of stay

15 Renee Comerford and Gemma Berriman -  Having a single frailty service that runs through every division - particularly surgery - not just medicine as at the moment