We were delighted to welcome  the President of the National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs (NALC), Malcolm Babb to our patient support group for laryngectomy patients.

Malcolm had a laryngectomy in 2002 but was able to return to his work as a school teacher. After early retirement in 2007 he became involved in local support groups in Chesterfield and later with NALC. He served as a Vice-President from 2011-2013 and was then elected NALC President.

A particular interest of Malcolm's is the involvement of patients in cancer research and he was a member of the NCRI Head and Neck Cancer Clinical Studies Group from 2010 to 2016.

He was a voluntary sector member of the NCIN Head and Neck SSCRG and DAHNO from 2011 to 2016 and the B16 Clinical Reference Group for specialist commissioning for head and neck from 2013 to 2015. More recently he has been a lay member of the NICE Quality Standards Committee for Head and Neck Cancer and the NG36 Head and Neck Guideline update committee.

His first priority is working with patients and carers to ensure they receive the information and support needed to assist them through the life-changing process of a laryngectomy.

The group meet  at the Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Learning Centre to give patients the opportunity to get together and share experiences and through informal setting get stronger together.