As part of our Annual Planning this week, Jacqui Booth in Comms staged a quiz for all attendees at Acre Mills to refresh and revitalise ahead of the day's serious business.  It's an easy "true or false" and went down a storm and we thought we'd share the smirks Trustwide. Enjoy!

1 Bevan launched the NHS in Birmingham.

False - He launched it at Park Hospital, Manchester (known now as Trafford General Hospital)

2 Our Finance Director, Gary Boothby, wrote a car off on his second driving lesson.

False – it was actually on his first lesson! However there’s no need to worry – he lives locally and walks to work most of the time

3 Last year  we had more accident and emergency attendances than inpatients?

True – we had 150k A&E attendances and just over 116k inpatient cases.

4 Our Waste and Energy supremo is known as "Dump It" Don (Mackenzie). But he has a ‘real’ middle name. It’s Marcus.

True – and because it’s such a posh middle name he’s asked to be referred to as Sir Dump it from now on!

5 On an average day roughly 56k emails are received across CHFT.

False – it’s more like 72k – so next time you think about dropping someone a quick mail – it might be better to call

6 CHFT Weekly is the best staff e-bulletin in the world of healthcare

True – obviously! Our best-read edition had more than 10,000 reads last October when security guard Gary Allchin won a Star Award

7  We have 121 apprentices here at CHFT

False – we actually have 160! 

8 Multi-talented Jackie Murphy has won trophies for tattooing and her sister is a nun.

False – she’s actually a champion Irish dancer! And true.... she's called Sister Gillian Murphy, she is in Sisters of Providence( a French order) and she lives in Lamont.

9 The world’s first test tube baby Louise Brown celebrated her 30th birthday.

False – she was born in Oldham on 25th July 1978, so she’s 40.

10 Helen Barker’s favourite TV show is Countryfile on a Sunday night as it relaxes her for the week ahead.

False – she's massively into Reality TV .... and would have auditioned for  "I’m a Celeb"  if there was a nail salon in the jungle!