The Library and Knowledge Service at CRH are planning a whole range of free events to celebrate Libraries Week which runs from Monday to Friday next week.

The whole week we will be having a fines amnesty so if you have any  overdue books you  keep meaning to bring back now’s your chance. Just bring them in – no questions asked.

At lunchtime on Tuesday 9th in the restaurant at CRH, and the restaurant at HRI on Wednesday 10th, library staff will be showing you all the electronic library resources you have free access to, plus lots of free giveaways and your chance to enter our free prize draw. (see library-user Jill Palmer library with the prize).

Also, on Wednesday 10th we have Hebden Bridge-based author Sarah Dunnakey coming to talk to us about her inspiration and top tips on how to writing and publishing a bestselling book. Sarah will be in the library at CRH from 4 pm.