Matron Karen Melling - and a bit of a CHFT legend - thanks the NHS for being there in people's hour of need.

She is the latest star of our NHS70 screensaver campaign which has been running all  throughout this momentous year. We've had a different colleague every week so now there's only less than three months to go. So, time is running out.  If you wish to take part please answer the questions and email them back to - and we will do the rest.

Here's Karen's thoughts....

Why is the NHS special to you?

The NHS is special to me because 70 years ago it was founded to look after people from the very beginning of their life right through to the very end and the principle of that has never changed. There is surely no greater honour than this.

What does it mean to you to work in the NHS?

What a privilege it is to welcome new life but also sit and hold onto someone’s hand whose life is sadly ending. We should feel proud that as a country we are secure in the knowledge that the NHS is a constant in our lives and is able to help, care and treat people in their hour of need no matter what their personal circumstances may be. The NHS is often described as a “national treasure” and it is the people who have worked tirelessly over the past 70 years to make it so.

Have you a birthday wish?

My wish for the NHS would be for it never to lose the values that it was founded upon and for it to continue to innovate, treat, care and stand proud for all of its achievements and for all those that we have cared for and all those still to come long may the NHS continue.