We're heading towards 750 colleages who have had their 'flu vaccination by day two of our official campaign. Our immunisers got off to a cracking start, and this year they've got a new app to register their vaccinations.

Yesterday we snapped one of the best queues in A&E at CRH, as our consultant Andy Lockey stood alongside his colleagues to have his jab. 

We asked Andy a few questions about the vaccination and why he was at the front of the queue

Q: Do you have the vaccination every year? Absolutely, yes

Q: Is there someone who does it for you that you rely on? The nursing team in ED

Q: Why is having it important for you? The one year I didn’t have the flu jab, I had the flu and I never want to go there again. Also, I have an elderly mother and I would hate to inadvertently pass the flu on to her or have to avoid visiting for several weeks. I may be able to get over the flu but she may not. I would never forgive myself.

Q: And what about your team, why should they have it? Any gaps in the rota lead to increased stress for those who are working, so we owe it to each other to maintain our own health during the winter period

Q: What would you say to try and persuade colleagues to have it if they just don't think they need it? Don’t just think of yourself, think of others in particular elderly relatives. Would you want to be the one who passes the flu onto one of them…..?



Please keep an eye on the intranet for drop-in dates. There are loads of dates coming up and they are being updated regularly.

Prize draw

And don't forget - everyone who has their vaccination goes into a weekly prize draw. One lucky winner will win an extra day's leave each week (first draw next Weds), or a shopping voucher. 

So what are you waiting for? Pop along to a drop-in or ask your ward immuniser for your vaccination.