Our winter ‘flu vaccination programme officially starts on Wednesday, but some colleagues have already had theirs. They, and possibly you, could be in line to win an extra day’s leave this year in our weekly prize draw, an idea suggested by consultant ophthalmologist Keith Davey*.

Our first batch of vaccines have arrived and our immunisers have been collecting their goodies (stickers, chocs and new tabards) so they can get cracking with vaccinating. Our joint 'flu lead Christine Bouckley has already been to the Physiotherapy department at HRI (see image).

And this year, with help from THIS, the immunisers are trying out a new way of recording their vaccinations digitally.

We want to get as many colleagues as possible immunised before our winter pressures kick-in. It was a hard year for patients and staff last year for ‘flu, so don’t let it catch you unawares. And it’s still the best way to protect yourself from catching the ‘flu.

But back to the bit we think colleagues will be interested in….the potential to win extra annual leave. Read on for more info…

  • For the first six weeks of the campaign there will be the chance to win either an extra day’s leave, or a second prize of shopping vouchers (if it goes down well this may be extended) – each and every week
  • Once vaccinated your name stays in our ‘virtual’ hat until it’s picked out – so the sooner you have your vaccination, the sooner you could win
  • Draws will take place each Wednesday by Occupational Health, and the winners announced in CHFT Weekly each Thursday
  • This leave can be taken right up to the end of financial year 2019/2020

* Keith told us his idea was to motivate as many colleagues to have the vaccination. “I had been reading a bit about the statistics and the sickness rates with and without vaccination and the consequences and tried to think of something that really would motivate people and drive the message home.

“Don’t let your patients, your colleagues, or yourself down. Get your flu vax as soon as you can.”

Last year 70% of frontline colleagues had the jab – this year we’re aiming for 100%

We have a new green ‘flu button on the intranet homepage. It will take you to our information including drop-in dates.

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