The amount we're recycling is increasing - which is great news.

Now our energy officer Don Mackenzie (AKA Dump It) is on a mission to get as much clean dry cardboard recycled separately as we can. Our Trust is paid for this cardboard, plus we'll pay less in recycling costs - win, win!

In August we spent more than £6k on our mixed recycling.  So if the cardboard is separated out it's likely, our mixed recycling will drop and save us money.

What to do:

  • ANY clean dry cardboard, whatever the size can be recycled (no Costa cups please, or soggy cardboard)
  • Please flatten it where possible, or store in batches in your waste room, or other areas the porters can pick-it up (watching for fire regulations)

Feel free to give Don a call if you have any questions - he's there to help on 07342 068 796.