The 2018 National NHS Staff Survey starts next week, with all CHFT colleagues having the opportunity, alongside other trusts in the country, to have their say about working at CHFT. We've moved away from paper surveys this year, so Picker will be emailing you at some point next week with your own survey link.

The survey gives us really valuable information about what matters to you, so we can build on what works well, as well as thinking about the improvements we need to put in place to support colleagues.

And as usual, there will be six reminders by email, so doing it ASAP will leave your inbox that little bit more empty! The survey closes on the 30th November.

You can even forward it on to your personal email and do it away from the office. The link is your own, so it's personal to you. It's also completely anonymous, so your individual responses won't be seen by anyone at CHFT.


REMINDER! On  Friday, 5th October  we're hosting our latest CHFT Hot House event in our series to get staff involved in our future plans.

Join us from 9:30 – 12  in the Learning Centre at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, when we'll be celebrating differences, and understanding how we can shape a wholly inclusive trust.

If you'd like to come along please contact