Our FAST teddies - spreading awareness of the symptoms of strokes - have finally finished their global travels.

They have notched up many miles in May which was Action for Strokes month covering 150 different destinations worldwide including America, Japan, New Zealand, Dubai.... and the Lakes and Sowerby Bridge a home.

One of his last visits was to Trust Board last Thursday where chairman Andrew Haigh - pictured -  and the rest of the board learned about the Trust's 24/7 thrombolysis service for stroke patients. FAST means Face, Arm, Speech and Time and a patient can have any one of these symptoms. If they get to hospital quickly, and are suitable for clot busting drugs, they are given them soon after arrival and this reduces the after-effects.

The Teddy campaign has won recognition from the Stroke Association nationally. 

Sister Andrea Moore knitted the first teddy which went on to become 10. She said: “It’s a fun way to spread a serious message. We are thrilled with the way our colleagues have embraced it and supported us. The more awareness about FAST, at work, in our families and out amongst the general public, the better for our patients."